Thank you for registering with us, would you like to complete our intake form?
You must have a current NDIS plan to complete the form
No problem! We will contact you to talk about how we can help.
Thanks for registering.
Before you click “yes”, please note:
You must have a current NDIS plan to complete the form
This process will take 30 to 45 minutes to complete.
To complete this form you will need information on your personal circumstances and your NDIS plan. You will need to have your NDIS plan available to you in order to complete this form so that you can:
Stream Services are able assist you with this process, simply call 0477 784 441. If you do not proceed now, we will be in contact to assist you with the next step.
Stream Services was founded in regional Queensland to deliver exceptional NDIS services for people in country communities around Australia.